Strategic Planning

Successful issue focused United Ways all share one thing in common – they are using proven issue focused strategies and they have stopped doing outdated activities that are no longer effective.

The primary objective of our strategic planning process is helping you plan how your United Way will implement issue focused strategies and how you will stop doing outdated activities that are no longer effective.

Since we created the issue focus model in 2011, we have identified a comprehensive set of proven issue focused strategies that will allow your United Way to change lives and achieve your bold goal. These issue focus strategies cover resource development, impact/investment, marketing/engagement, and governance. For example, creating measurable impact on your issue requires using proven issue focused strategies such as developing community-wide relationships and responsibility for your bold goal, identifying and funding investments that address your targeted root causes, and using system-level measurement that measures community-wide progress toward your bold goal.

Our strategic planning process brings together your board and staff to:

  • Explore and discuss issue focused strategies appropriate for achieving your bold goal

  • Determine the priority and timing for implementing the issue focused strategies

  • Develop a three-year plan for implementing the issue focused strategies and discontinuing outdated and ineffective activities

Our strategic planning services are for United Ways that have identified their issue and bold goal and are already on the journey to becoming fully issue focused. If your United Way is just starting the process of adopting an issue focus, you will want to start with our Traditional Issue Focused Transformation or our Guided Issue Focus Transformation course.


Next Steps

Our strategic planning process will give your United Way the discipline and direction to implement proven issue focused strategies and leave behind outdated activities that are no longer effective.

Contact us for more information about our Strategic Planning services.

Here’s what our clients have to say about working with us: